MYanmar Community Development
MYanmar Community Development
A better future starts with all of us.
MyCD's vision is that MYanmar is enhanced for future generations through educated and self-sustaining methods, and MYanmar's citizens receive opportunities to live a long and happy life pursuing their dreams.
We strive to reduce poverty through community development by a multitude of current technologies, methods, and frameworks to create sustainable, pliable, and adaptive systems with documented knowledge bases.
MyCD uses data-driven approaches like the Agriculture101 website that educates and empowers people with identifying and utilizing resources to help solve malnutrition with real data, replicable examples, and information.
Education is one of the best tools to fight against all of the issues plaguing MYanmar. That is why we make education one of our highest priorities and utilize education all throughout our processes.
To help preserve the beauty of MYanmar for all future generations and increase the life expectancy of MYanmar's citizens, we emphasize policies on sanitation within each household and the community.
Locations all over MYanmar have lost, never had, or lack the capital for production compared to developed countries. We provide the technologies to bring production back to communities.
MyCD works with communities to create baselines for houses and works on identifying viable and sustainable methods to raise the baselines for each household's living standards.
MYanmar's healthcare lacks equipment and medicine. MyCD educates people about basic medical care and preventive healthcare with healthier eating, sanitation, and safer practices.
We at MyCD believe that MYanmar's future is filled with communities working together collaboratively in every sector to improve every aspect of MYanmar for our children. Our children's future is our future.
A special Thank you to everyone that has contributed in their own way to make all of this possible.
MYanmar Community Development (MyCD)
Our organization is driven by a vision in which MYanmar is brought toward a future where every part of MYanmar's beauty is preserved or enhanced for all future generations, and every MYanmar citizen lives a life that is nothing less than the best life they can live because we have given them every opportunity to convert their dreams into reality.
Just as a village, town, city, community, state, and country are comprised of a complex network of interconnected systems, our vision is a multifaceted vision in which we strive to improve any and all areas of MYanmar. We are relentless in our pursuit of creating, building, and changing MYanmar to be a future for all of MYanmar's children to be proud of calling home. We do this in the hopes that the children too will grow up and carry on all of these ideas, continue to make these dreams a reality, and to create new dreams of their own.
Poverty: "the state of being inferior in quality or insufficient in amount."
In almost every case, poverty is viewed as a state of financial deficiency, but the real destructive power of poverty is the lack of resources in relation to that lack of finances. If we understand that concept, we can truly understand that solving poverty is not as much about finances as the solution is about attaining resources. Then, we realize that money is really just another resource. Money is a resource that we attain and trade for all of the other resources such as clothes, food, cars, houses, tangible, virtual, and all kinds of things. If money is used to trade for goods, then we can substitute money for other resources to attain goods. In fact, we have done this for most of human history by bartering goods and services.
MyCD's vision is to reduce poverty all throughout MYanmar by educating people with alternate means of identifying, attaining, and creating resources to alleviate poverty through the generation of robust, adaptable, modular, self-sustaining, and pliable economies to stimulate growth and uplift communities to a state of superior quality and abundance. Each adoption of new self-sustaining systems and resources used to invigorate a system in poverty will raise that community out of poverty. MyCD strives to set up these systems all over MYanmar, refine these systems, create frameworks, simplify, teach, and scale these systems into larger cohesive networks to attain higher complex goals and values with verified metrics and thresholds. By doing so, MyCD will redefine the metrics and thresholds of poverty by raising the standard of living in each area year over year.
Village along riverbank
Malnutrition: "lack of proper nutrition, caused by not having enough to eat, not eating enough of the right things, or being unable to use the food that one does eat."
Malnutrition is really the lack of a resource. In that case, the lack of resource is the variety of healthy foods. There is no coincidence that areas in poverty also lack affordable healthy food options. The key word being "healthy". In many areas in the US, areas that are in poverty do not lack affordable food because we have created an abundance of cheap unhealthy food options. Because of unhealthy food options, we still have malnutrition, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and health issues in these low-income neighborhoods. MYanmar is no different. In areas all over MYanmar, we see either a lack of food, and even worse, a lack of healthy food options. The unhealthy food options are usually easily identifiable by their single use packaging that sells chips, cookies, sodas, juices, artificial flavoring, pastries, breads, candies, polyunsaturated cooking oils, and things high in artificial ingredients, preservatives, and sugars.
MyCD's vision is to eradicate malnutrition in MYanmar. That seems like an unachievable goal because the problem appears to be too large, but the problem is large by scale and size and not in complexity. Because the problem is not high in complexity, the solutions are simple, and the solutions will scale the same ways in which the problems have scaled in size. Then we realize that the real problem is not so much the malnutrition and lack of healthy food options, but the lack of education in creating and obtaining healthy food options.
Families eating almost entirely rice with little to no other food.
Uneducated: "lacking an education; poorly educated."
Unfortunately, much of the world still believes that a lack of education is having a lack of access to schooling. Sadly, the problem for MYanmar is far greater than that. Before, children that did not go to school were considered uneducated and lacked access to education (not to negatively berate people that did not go to school. A lack of formal education does not necessarily mean a lack of intelligence.) However, the issue now is that even with a standard MYanmar education, the youth are growing up "uneducated". The reason is that schools, especially in places like MYanmar, are having difficulty in keeping up with the rate in which technology is advancing. Because of that, students in MYanmar, even with a higher education degree, are not penetrating the workforce in high numbers in jobs that require higher skilled labor.
Even for nonprofit education centers outside of MYanmar, these schools themselves are still teaching outdated and antiquated lessons using traditional methodologies that have been surpassed by superior techniques and materials. Simply put, our schools are not preparing our students for the "real world". For example, right now, schools inside and outside of MYanmar have students that do not know the basics of how to use a computer or even how to use a mouse and keyboard. For schools in MYanmar, we still have far too many schools that do not have electricity. Almost every single job in the US utilizes either a computer or an electronic device.
MyCD's vision is to create collaborations with education centers, highly skilled labor, experienced work forces, mentors, communities, and volunteers to create and modify institutions of learning to meet and exceed the demands and technologies of the future. We teach how to use current technologies to solve old problems in a multitude of fields. We raise the standard of education for students as well as teachers. By doing so, we reduce the gap between our current education system and the job opportunities that are out there. We will create a future in which the children of MYanmar will not ask, "What can I be?", but will ask, "What do I want to be?"
Children in school exposed to the weather with desks too small and chairs too big.
Sanitation: "conditions relating to public health, especially the provision of clean drinking water and adequate sewage disposal."
One of the real issues besides the lack of adequate infrastructure for higher sanitary living is the modification and education of cultural practices. In places like MYanmar, sanitation could be something as simple as educating a village on the harmful effects of dumping garbage in the streets, rivers, and streams. In one country, the policy to remove the use of chewing betel nut from their culture increased their health (betel nut is a known carcinogen) and sanitation (removed spitting betel nut juice and saliva onto the streets.) Especially after Covid-19, sanitation has been brought to the top of priorities, yet MYanmar still falls behind in sanitation.
MyCD's vision is to identify and educate areas on healthier sanitation practices and technologies and to engrave into the culture that a sanitary lifestyle is as crucial to public safety as sanitation is to personal safety. MyCD's vision goes beyond current events and into the future in which the mortality rate of MYanmar citizens are drastically reduced because of healthier practices and systems.
Riverbank littered with waste that seep back the river that people shower, wash pots, catch fish.
Production: "the action of making or manufacturing from components or raw materials."
Countries all over the world have focused on their financial capabilities as their production abilities. For example, if we have the finances to open up or invest in a business to create goods, we will create production and businesses. However, if we do not procure, have the funds, or finances, we will not create production and businesses. Because of that, few countries have actually benefited in a drastically larger production capacity, and most countries have fallen behind or are non-existent in their production abilities. If a country has money, then they can afford to import goods. If they do not, these countries do not have the means of production, as well as the finances to import and afford these goods.
Even with money, some countries can be outbid for products by other countries. Even worse, the country producing goods may choose not to sell their products to some countries and block their access to some goods. Other issues are weather, crisis and emergency, and natural disasters that could be barriers in bringing the import of goods to a halt. During Covid-19, many countries realized a critical lesson on the lack of supplies and masks from their non-existent production of basic medical and emergency supplies. Having billions of dollars does not matter much when there are no masks to be bought. Sadly, MYanmar is one example of a country that has fallen behind on production, has many sectors that do not produce anything, and in most cases, does not have the capital to fund imports of a multitude of goods.
MyCD's vision is to educate and create systems of production back in MYanmar at levels never seen before. We empower our citizens with the ability to create, process, and export new products. We maximize productivity in all sectors and keep raising all levels of production. We will create and bring back as many means of production in every possible sector. MyCD's vision is a vision in which all of MYanmar's citizens are educated with multiple abilities to produce products in various sectors, raising the quality of those products, creating new jobs, empowering our people as producers and not only consumers, and navigating pipelines for optimal growth and success.
People making bricks.
Houses: "a building for human habitation, especially one that is lived in by a family or small group of people."
Part of the issue with a lack of standards and regulations is the lack of or absence of identifiable metrics used to measure quantities and values. In MYanmar's case, by not having any real housing standards and regulations, even some pieces of wood and a tin roof can be considered a house. The reality is that many of MYanmar's citizens still live in such minimal and dilapidated "houses". Even villages that are further away from cities, we still have houses made of bamboo, thatch, and palm leaves. In many cases, these "houses" do not have adequate protection from the elements, mosquitos, and privacy, and these houses are full of safety and sanitation hazards.
MyCD's vision is to create detailed baselines on the definition of "houses" in MYanmar. That way, we can ensure that all MYanmar citizens have access to an adequate house. Once we have established housing, then we can begin to raise the minimal quality of these houses. After that, we can identify citizens all around MYanmar and uplift them to meet those minimum definitions, or offer them housing that meets those minimum qualifications. We want a MYanmar in which we can go up to any homeless person and let them choose where in MYanmar they want to live because we have created areas all over that provide adequate housing.
Rundown houses made of bamboo and leaves that break and collapse during heavy wind and rain.
Healthcare: "the organized provision of medical care to individuals or a community."
Healthcare in MYanmar are mainly government run facilities and individual practices. The government run hospitals offer a diverse but limited depth of operational and logistical procedures due to the lack of equipment and professional facilities. There are medicines offered due to the import of those medicines, but not at the level in which developed countries have offered more life saving treatments. However, if you do not have money, then the reality of healthcare for many MYanmar citizens is non-existent or relies on the goodwill of friends and family, individual practices, nonprofits, or contributions and loans by others.
MyCD's vision is to create a free nationwide healthcare system that provides basic medical care, education, awareness into health related issues and prevention, and education on preventive healthcare strategies. A healthy MYanmar because of healthy citizens and a thriving MYanmar are not inseparable, but are a cohesive concept that relies on each being successful for MYanmar to be successful. As of now, the average life expectancy of a MYanmar citizen is ranked number 155 out of 201 countries. Other countries ranked a little lower than MYanmar are Sudan, Yemen, and Ethiopia. Countries ranked a little higher than MYanmar are Rwanda and Pakistan. [life expectancy]
The life expectancy for a male in MYanmar is 62.55 years old and a female life expectancy is 69 years old. The number one country has a life expectancy of 83.20 years old for males and 87.90 years old for females. That life expectancy difference is almost 6-10 years more for each gender. If 6-10 years does not seem like much, then talk to someone that has ever lost someone they truly loved, and ask them what one more day with that person would mean to them. Now, imagine 3,650 (10 years) more days with them. Imagine a child that had 3,650 more days with their parent. That could mean the difference between an orphan at age 8, or an independent adult at age 18. MyCD's vision is to increase the life expectancy of MYanmar's people and raise MYanmar to be, at the very least, in the top 100.
Because most of MYanmar either does not have healthcare or lacks adequate equipment, shelter, and medicine, we at MyCD have emphasized the education on preventive healthcare. Our root cause analysis has helped us identify that some of the leading causes that require more intensive medical attention can be reduced or prevented by healthier eating choices and options, safer practices and work environments, and an increase in sanitation within each household and community. A few of the health issues that are reduced or remediated through preventive healthcare are diseases, viruses, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and some types of cancer.
Hard flat nonadjustable beds near windows with no curtains, no AC, and dirty floors.
Future: "the time or a period of time following the moment of speaking or writing; time regarded as still to come."
To understand MYanmar's Future, we have to understand MYanmar. To understand MYanmar, we have to understand the people of MYanmar. A prosperous MYanmar is only possible in which MYanmar's citizens are thriving and bathing in that prosperity.
MyCD believes that MYanmar's people are full of love. Everywhere we have traveled through MYanmar, we have always gathered a sense of love from all of the faces of each citizen; young and old. Because of that love from within, we understand that MYanmar's Future is a bright future. With love, we can harness that love to bring MYanmar to far greater heights than have ever been achieved. With love, we can bring people together and create stronger communities. Stronger communities create stronger families. Stronger families create stronger children, and a country that creates stronger children creates the strongest of futures. MyCD's love for MYanmar and the people is our greatest contribution to MYanmar, and all that we do for MYanmar is a result of that love.
MyCD helps bring a prosperous future to MYanmar and the MYanmar people through new ideas, innovations, technologies, and methodologies from around the world to create a successful MYanmar.
Are there problems in MYanmar, of course. However, these problems are all solvable. That is one of the many concepts we teach time and time again. The problems of MYanmar are solvable. The main problem is educating the population on all of the solutions that exist. MYanmar is not alone in our problems. In fact, all of MYanmar's problems exist and have existed all over the world and for multiple times in human history. Thankfully, just as many problems in human and MYanmar's history that have existed, people from all over the world have solved an enormous magnitude of those same problems. We have the world to thank.
The reality is that the world is actually filled with more love than hate. People from all over the world have given their solutions, given their lives, dedicated their lives, and have contributed to making the entire world better through their love and passion and contributed those results to the internet. Before, when a person solved a problem, unless this solution was profound, that solution may not have been known to many others. Now, with the internet, one person's solution can go viral and reach billions of people in a short amount of time. That means that every single person that is putting their ideas, solutions, innovations, and methods on the internet in the public domain have helped contribute their ideas to make the entire world better. For us to make a better MYanmar, we must seek out and utilize these ideas that have been given to us for free.
If we understand that, then we understand that the real problem in MYanmar is matching the right solutions to the right problems. MYanmar's Future is one in which all of MYanmar's people become a people in which we provide solutions for each other, so we can drastically improve, create and innovate, and eradicate poverty, malnutrition, increase education, increase production, provide housing, create a national healthcare system, and bring MYanmar into a future far greater than each previous moment in our history. By realizing that the success of our neighbors is interconnected to our success, we will make MYanmar better. In fact, we will make a MYanmar far better than MYanmar has ever experienced in Myanmar's history.
In return, MYanmar will be a future in which MYanmar citizens are helping the entire world too. We will take these solutions, apply, document, refine, and spread these ideas all throughout MYanmar and beyond our borders. Once we begin feeding ourselves through self-sustaining systems, we have every means in which to help feed others. Once we begin to solve issues with education in our areas, we have all of the means in which to help educate others in solving their problems in education. MYanmar can easily change from one of the poorest countries in Southeast Asia to the most abundant, and with that abundance, we can become the most generous and gracious. By setting higher and higher standards and surpassing our own standards, we will eventually become the standard for others in Southeast Asia to adhere to and measure themselves against.
Poverty is the lack of resources, but MYanmar will go from a lack of resources to an inexhaustible foundation of resources. Not all resources are material like gems, jade, oil, trees, land, and money. We will grow and cultivate the resources of dreams, innovations, ideas, love, unity, information, and nationalism. MYanmar will become the land of millions ideas and millions of solutions. MYanmar will be rich beyond measure, and the people of MYanmar will bathe in that richness.
The next generation of children smarter, healthier, happier, and with a brighter future.
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